Budget tips + tricks for your next roadtrip.

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Going on a road trip is our all time favourite way to see new places and have an adventure, but like all trips, they can sometimes get expensive. Add budgeting to your to-do list with a few simple tips from our team.

  1. Plan your route: Before you hit the road, plan your route carefully. This can help you avoid backtracking and wasting fuel. Consider using a GPS app to find the most efficient route.
  2. Set a budget: Determine how much money you can afford to spend on your trip and stick to it. This can help you make better decisions about where to stay, what to eat, and what activities to do.
  3. Pack snacks and meals: Eating out can quickly add up, so pack snacks and meals to save money. Bring an esky or fridge to keep perishable items fresh.
  4. Camp or stay in budget accommodation: Camping or staying in budget accommodations such as hostels or motels can be much cheaper than hotels. Consider booking in advance to save even more.
  5. Look for free activities: There are often many free activities to do in the areas you’re visiting, such as hiking trails, scenic drives, and local attractions. Do some research to find out what’s available.
  6. Use rewards programs: Many petrol stations offer rewards programs that can save you money on fuel. Look for programs that offer cashback or discounts.
  7. Share expenses: If you’re travelling with others, consider sharing expenses such as petrol, food, and accommodation. This can help reduce costs for everyone.
  8. Pack light: The more weight your car carries, the more fuel it will use. Pack light and only bring what you need.

Fun with friends and family can be had on any budget. You can have a memorable road trip without breaking the bank with a few handy tips.

What are your favourite budgeting tricks when you hit the road?

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